
StrongerX RTG Gloves | Competition Edition 2.0 (OOZE) Stronger RX


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Hands Down! The best Gloves you will find to improve your WOD.

Rare Opportunity. These are going fast!!!!!


Specially designed for Extreme Athletes!


Many Gloves Fail to properly protect your hands from the extreme demand placed on the hands by practicing CFT exercise.

The StrongerRx RTG Gloves Prevents:

  • Blisters
  • Calluses
  • Bloody Hands
  • Hand Fatigue

Recommended by Preformance Coaches Worldwide.

During your Kipping pull ups, Bar Muscle ups  and toes to bar you can focus on the movement instead of worrying that your hands will tear up.

Use them for kettle bell swings, dead lifts, etc. to decrease the wear and tear of the hands while increasing your grip.

Be able to do more reps without the consequence of bloody hand blisters and cuts.


The StrongerRx RTG Gloves provides a natural grip with superior comfort. These gloves has been embraced by the Crossfit Community as the glove of choice. Special material has been constructed to ensure a natural grip and prevent fatigue. The RTG Glove will enable athletes to last longer in Pull-ups, Climbs and Olympic lifts. Gloves for your WOD? Look no further.


Many Athletes we interview are tired of ripping their hands. When introduced to the StrongerRx RTG Gloves that was then a thing of the past. Many will not do a pull up or even Olympic Lifts without them. (Yes you read right Olympic Lifts!)

 “As a competitive Olympic Weightlifter I never used gloves, it is something many frown upon. I decided to try a pair of RTG Gloves anyway. When I used them for the Olympic lifts involved in my WOD I was amazed they felt so good. I love it!!!”  - Peky Johnston, (CFT Kingdom, Miami)

"While doing workouts with 50,60 100  pull-ups, I always cut my hands and end up with nasty open bloody blisters. Since using the RTG Gloves, I can say Thank you StrongerRx. I love these Gloves." - Raymond Kone, CFT Athlete (London, United Kingdom).

“I recently bought a pair of the StrongerRx RTG Gloves. Ever since, I have not been able to take them off. It feels so good to have them on and gives me the sensation of actually being stronger in my movements!. You are going to love this!"   -Jason Kaplin (CFT Athlete San Diego)


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